Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Piazza's Gay Ol' Time?

What can I say? I'm a conspiracy theorist. So how does the greatest pitcher of our time, Roger Clemens, give up six runs on a stage as big as the All-Star Game, one that may be his last, in his own back yard? In ONE INNING? Simple. Mike Piazza. Anyone see "Bull Durham?" I absolutely love that movie. And I couldn't help but think of the scene in the movie where the catcher tips off the hitter to what the pitch will be, just so that the hitter can whack it outta the park, just to spite Nuke Laloosh. Now Clemens certainly bears no resemblance to Tim Robbins, nor Piazza to Kevin Costner. But given the long-running feud, why wouldn't Piazza seek his revenge? Tipping off the AL batters to the pitches Clemens would throw is the perfect way to gain an edge on Clemens, because provided no one finds out about it, Piazza wouldn't have to deal with the media fallout. Imagine if Piazza did something wide out in the open to ruin the moment for Clemens. He'd never hear the end of it. His career may very well be ruined by that sort of thing, because it would be so underhanded. But tipping off the pitches? Who'd ever think of THAT? Certainly, Ichiro and Pudge and the like are no lightweights at the plate, but they just clobbered Clemens. There's gotta be something up there.

If only there were a bull for Soriano to hit. He could've won a free steak.


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